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Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.

Robert A. Heinlein

Maps 2

This is a training exercise in relating maps to the world.

This takes place in the upper fields, and uses the large signs you have around the field. In may case I had 22 of them labeled A-U.

Hand each participant a blank map. Explain that there are 20 signs on prominent places around the meadow. There is one for each letter from A-U. Their task is to find these signs and mark their location on the map. Half an hour.

As they come back, pair them up. Ask them to compare maps. If they disagree have them bring them to you. At this point point out relationships again. Don't say 'Q is wrong' Ask them: Look where Q is relative to S in the world. Look where it is on your map. In the world how far is Q from the edge of the bush. How far have you put it on your map. (Since they can't measure on the map yet, make the statemetns in terms of comparing relative distances. E.g. in the world, Q is on the fence only a little ways from the road. The ditance across the meadow is much bigger than the distance to the road.

Have one of your assistance with a frisbee or hacky sack to keep the participants occupied. There may be about a 20 minute range in their return.